Mar 18, 2014

Pray Without Ceasing!

You've probably heard the ole saying, pray without ceasing. It's actually taken from 1Thessalonians 5:17. However, do you know what it means to pray without ceasing? It means to pray without stopping. Our prayers are heard in heaven and we have the honor to petition to the Lord our concerns of this world. Sometimes God's answers are a quick yes, sometimes a flat out no, and other times is a wait!

Some prayers take years to see a difference. Some prayers come by assignment. Some prayers are the desires of our heart. It's okay to have desires in your heart. If they aren't from God, He's big enough to handle it for you and get you on the right track. Even the worst prayer can be changed and you will probably be changed in the process too!

I have found myself in a lifestyle of prayer. This means before my feet hit the floor, I say, "Good morning Lord! What do you have for me today?" It means as I'm going through my day I'm talking to God. It means when I lie down at night, I say a prayer before I fall asleep. If something is weighing heavy on me, I kneel by my bed to talk to Him until peace comes and then I can climb into my bed. This means I literately walk with the Lord all day and am in regular conversation. It also means when I'm driving down the road and people see me moving my lips and hands in my car, without anyone sitting next to me, yea... I'm cray cray for Jesus! :D

He is my redeemer, restorer, healer, and  the video above is to give you an insight as to how that came about. I tell you my friend.... With God all things ARE possible! Mark 10:27